Specific bodywork, acupuncture, and somatic practices focused on opening and releasing the diaphragm in service of welcoming what has been exiled and hidden away from our consciousness in the lower three Chakras into the Upper Triangle of our heart, our voice, our spiritual sight and connection to our authentic potential JING. 

By banishing and locking away the parts of ourselves that have been labeled “too much” “bad” “wrong” “evil” or “not allowed” through learning and having to hide our authenticity in our upbringing and/or adult life, we cultivate the acceptance that our truth, our own way of being, healing, our desires, and the gifts we bring into the world, are “soiled” and “not self.” These parts of us become frozen in time, forgotten, and eventually form our Shadow selves. 

Our Shadow is made up of the repressed content that shows itself in unconscious actions and reactions. This unconscious content, the parts of ourselves we have learned to banish and hide away desire to be witnessed, actualized, and integrated into Self and will continually try to ascend into the Chakras of the Upper Triangle: Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown until consciousness is achieved. Until we are ready to face what is moving, we use metabolic energy to repress and keep hidden these parts of ourselves. Over time this denial will cause a tightening of the diaphragm creating an “Internalization of Wall.” As the unconscious, exiled content hits this wall, signs and symptoms will manifest as allergies, addictions, behavior and emotional patterns, chronic pain, physical ailments, and finally, disease. 

Please reach out to me directly or book a 15 minute free consultation online to ASK ANY QUESTIONS AND discuss treatment options.